Publications by Type: Newspaper Article

Newspaper Article
Hammonds EM, Reverby SM. Economic reforms might be the best health-care reforms. The Washington Post. 2020.
Frakt A. Race and Medicine: The Harm That Comes From Mistrust; The New Health Care. The New York Times. 2020.Abstract

Racial bias still affects many aspects of health care.

Racial discrimination has shaped so many American institutions that perhaps it should be no surprise that health care is among them. Put simply, people of color   receive less care — and often worse care — than white Americans.
Reasons includes lower rates of health coverage; communication barriers; and racial stereotyping based on false beliefs.

Predictably, their health outcomes are worse than those of whites.More

Wolfers J. Evidence of a Toxic Environment for Women in Economics. NY Times. 2017. Publisher's Version